Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 1

Day 1: loading day

WOW!! this has been harder then I thought.. you think that it would be a dream come true to eat whatever you want, well it was fun for about 15 minutes. However, I think I loaded quit well today.

Thanks to everyone at my office that went to about 5 different food shacks today.

I have eaten enough today to feed a small country.

I also started by drops today, they were ok I think I will get use to them.

I have one more day of loading bring on the donettes!


  1. You were such a pig today:) Everytime I saw you you had another fattening item in your mouth...I think you did great!

  2. Hahahaha! Its so hard, but in about a week, you will wish you could!! Way to go girlfriend! You can do it!!!
